From time to time during the year we have opportunities for the girls to show case parts of our previous year APDA syllabus, whether it be shopping centre displays or school fetes. This is a great opportunity for children to become accustomed to performing in front of a crowd. These displays are open to all children who wish to join in.
Competitive Performances
Each year we have the opportunity to participate in up to 3 Interclub Competitions. These are friendly individual competitions consisting of other APDA Clubs coming together for friendly competition. These competition start in July each year. This is fantastic opportunity for the girls to show their parents how much they have learnt and a great kick start to the competition season. Generally, there are 12 girls of the same age group on the stage at the same time and they will be judged individually whilst dancing with other girls on stage. All girls are awarded with medals & certificates for participation and placing.We also have a Team day where girls are selected to participate together as a Team in their respective age groups. Eight girls are in a team (sometimes there can be up to 3 teams per age group depending on numbers), and they will perform the APDA syllabus together all wearing a black long sleeved leotard and hair all the same. The idea is for the 8 girls to perform the syllabus in unison

Special Performance
Junior girls aged 7 and over, who make the Junior Grand Champion Girl Final at Junior Nationals are eligible to participate in the Opening of the Senior Champion Girl Nationals at The International Convention Centre. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to perform on a very pretigious stage on such a wonderful night of Physie & Dance showcasing all that APDA has to offer. The girls will also take part in the end of year christmas gala performance where they will perform for their family a christmas show.